Join us in Celebrating the International Day of Forests!

Join us in Celebrating the International Day of Forests!

We are once again approaching an exciting time of year in the Northern hemisphere, our beautiful nature is beginning to bloom again as we approach the great season of spring! Today is an important one to appreciate it; it's International Day of Forests, a day that highlights the need to protect our woodlands. It's also World Planting Day, which focuses on the important role that trees, flowers and plants play in supporting our planet and how we need to keep growing them to nourish it.


The role of International Day of Forests and World Planting Day

The International Day of Forests reminds us that deforestation is a massive problem for us all, as we face the many worrying effects of global climate change. Every year, 10 million hectares of forest are lost to deforestation and 70 million hectares are affected by fires. Restoring nature, such as reforestation, can mitigate the effects of climate change while improving the health of our planet.

World Planting Day encourages everyone to grow something, from vegetables to fruit to flowers. Doing this allows to celebrate and appreciate how these living organisms improve the health of our planet by feeding creatures, providing oxygen, controlling soil erosion and can also be used to make medicines.



Both days warn of the great threat to our ecosystems and the need to increase cultivation in the fight against climate change. Trees and plants are vital to our environment as they absorb CO2 (carbon dioxide), one of the main greenhouse gases contributing to global warming. By encouraging the planting of more trees and plants, we can help to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and thus combat the worrying dangers of climate change.


Commit to sustainability with an e-bike

Another way we can reduce CO2 levels is by reducing the use of fossil fuel vehicles in our lifestyles! CO2 emissions from transport are also a major concern for our planet, causing pollution and threatening natural habitats.

The European Environment Agency reports that the transport sector is responsible for a quarter of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions, with the use of greenhouse gas vehicles such as cars increasing since the year 2000, making it more important than ever for people to switch to more sustainable modes of transport such as electric bikes.



The e-bike has been championed by many to promote green travel because it combines the benefits of the car and the conventional bicycle. They are a convenient mode of transport, perfect for commuting, leisurely rides around town and recreational use in the great outdoors! E-bikes combine the enhanced speed normally associated with cars in urban environments, with the healthy exercise of cycling; more importantly, they use electricity, not fossil fuels that threaten the planet!

Our TENWAYS mission is to help users make the seamless transition to regular e-bike use by innovating premium e-bikes that are fast, effortless, eco-friendly and fun for a wide range of riders, so that as many people as possible can fall in love with e-biking and commit to sustainable travel for a healthier planet.


Our partnership with Just One Tree

At TENWAYS, we not only promote green mobility with our bikes, but we also work with our partner Just One Tree all year round to support the causes of World Forestry Day and International Tree Planting Day. One of our core values is to promote sustainability as much as possible, which is why a few years ago we decided to join forces with a non-profit organization that fights global deforestation by planting trees.


We are working with Just One Tree to go one step further and enable our riders to maximize their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. Just One Tree and ourselves are committed to planting a tree in a carefully selected reforestation project for every TENWAYS bike we sell, so our customers can make a commitment to their individual health and to improving our planet in more ways than one!

We believe that every tree planted makes a huge difference in the long term, and by growing a forest together we can help reduce the loss of trees our planet has suffered. Since the launch of the scheme, we're delighted to announce that this successful contribution from our partner and Tenwayers has resulted in the planting of 10,000 trees - what an achievement for reforestation!

We hope you can join us in celebrating these important days by supporting our amazing planet. We invite you all to go green with us and help stop deforestation by buying a TENWAYS e-bike. We've developed a range of urban commuter and recreational models to suit a variety of rider tastes; find the right bike for you here and drop our team a line if you have any questions. Happy International Forest and World Planting Day!

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