Inspiration CGO800S or CGO800 Plus, which e-bike is right for me? The CGO800 Plus is here, bringing exciting updates to our already well-loved step-through e-bike, the CGO800S. This latest model enhances versatility, control, power, and battery life while maintaining the signature... 5 de marzo de 2025
Inspiration CGO800S or CGO800 Plus, which e-bike is right for me? The CGO800 Plus is here, bringing exciting updates to our already well-loved step-through e-bike, the CGO800S. This latest model enhances versatility, control, power, and battery life while maintaining the signature... 5 de marzo de 2025
Inspiration Uncover your commuter profile for your dream TENWAYS ride Choosing the right electric bike is essential to improving your daily commute, your health, and your overall happiness. But finding the perfect fit isn't just about ticking off specifications and... 21 de febrero de 2025
Inspiration Why an e-bike is the perfect gift for your Valentine Looking for a Valentine's Day gift that goes beyond the ordinary? An e-bike is a thoughtful and unique gesture that opens the door to transportation in a fun and accessible... 13 de febrero de 2025
Inspiration Backpack vs. pannier bags: which is best for commuting? Commuting by e-bike is a convenient and fast way to get around, but if you need to carry things on your ride, accessorizing with a backpack or pannier can make... 5 de febrero de 2025
Inspiration How can seniors find the best e-bike for their lifestyle? Electric bikes are a fun mode of transportation that can be enjoyed by many walks of life, from teenagers to senior citizens. They are versatile for many uses, with their... 29 de enero de 2025
Inspiration City vs. hybrid e-bikes: Find the right fit for your ride Choosing an e-bike is the start of a journey to a healthier you and a healthier planet. However, if you live in the cities or towns, the line between city... 22 de enero de 2025
Inspiration AGO X, a superstar for touring, commuting and everything in between! Riders buy urban e-bikes as a healthy, easy and sustainable way to get around town for work or errands. But what if you want one that you can use for... 16 de enero de 2025
Inspiration Winter E-bike Lighting Essentials With its shorter days and longer nights, winter is a time for all e-bike riders to ensure their visibility on the road is maximized and that they can easily navigate... 9 de enero de 2025
Inspiration Simplifying your 2025 New Year resolutions with an e-bike As we reach 2025, you might already have a New Year's resolution in mind, or perhaps you may have a personal goal that you're continually working towards. Whatever your aim,... 1 de enero de 2025
Inspiration E-bike suspension explained: types, benefits, and tips Suspension plays a crucial role in the overall performance of your e-bike, providing extra comfort and stability while navigating various terrains. Choosing an e-bike with the right suspension can greatly... 11 de diciembre de 2024
Inspiration How can a power bank transform your e-biking experiences? E-bikes offer unbeatable convenience for city travel, but battery range is key, as it determines how far you can go before needing a recharge. Even with planning, unexpected factors can... 26 de noviembre de 2024
Inspiration What you should know before searching for your dream e-bike Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason: revolutionary developments in technology and design are making them accessible to more and more riders. They're environmentally friendly transportation machines... 20 de noviembre de 2024
Inspiration E-Bike upgrades to rethink for urban commuting When it comes to improving your commute or choosing an e-bike for city riding, it's easy to be tempted by flashy additional features. However, many of these upgrades aren't necessary... 12 de noviembre de 2024
Inspiration Elevating your Halloween fun and spooky spirit with an e-bike Halloween is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to get creative, not just with your costumes, but with your e-bike too! Whether you're heading to a party,... 30 de octubre de 2024
Inspiration Make your e-bike trips safer with this helmet guide Riding on an electric bike is an exhilarating experience, bringing freedom and convenience into your day. However, there are also factors on your ride that you cannot completely control, such... 23 de octubre de 2024
Inspiration Understand how tire width may affect your e-bike commutes Tires are key to an e-bike's comfort, stability, and performance, and commuter e-bikes are no exception. Contrary to the belief that all commuter bikes use similar tires, there’s actually a... 18 de octubre de 2024
Inspiration CGO009's Smart Connect: The solution for e-bike peace of mind E-bike ownership is rising, but with it comes a major concern—bike security. In fact, reports from the European Cyclists' Federation reveal that e-bikes account for 17% of all bike thefts... 24 de septiembre de 2024
Inspiration Celebrate 20,000+ trees changing landscapes and lives we grow together! In 2022, we announced our partnership with Just One Tree (JOT), a non-profit organization that fights deforestation, where we pledged to fund the planting of a new tree for their... 6 de septiembre de 2024
Inspiration Reconnecting with nature at Eurobike 2024 with TENWAYS Last month, we were proud to showcase our range of e-bikes at Eurobike 2024, Europe's leading bicycle trade show. Our booth was the most favored by attendees, conveying a strong... 8 de agosto de 2024
Inspiration How much can electric bike commuting save you in 2024? With the ever-increasing cost of living, it's a time when many of us are thinking about how to get the most value for money out of our lifestyles to save... 1 de agosto de 2024
Inspiration Common myths in making a fitness plan with an e-bike As we reach peak summer, many people may be looking to get fit and enjoy the great outdoors. Adding an e-bike to your summer fitness plan is a fantastic option,... 18 de julio de 2024
Inspiration AGO X vs. CGO009, have you met your perfect match? Choosing the right e-bike model can be daunting, especially when two options, AGO X and CGO009, offer impressive features at identical price points. To help you make an informed decision,... 21 de junio de 2024
Inspiration Los secretos detrás de la tecnología extremadamente suave de TENWAYS: El motor con embrague «¡La conducción es tan suave que hasta mi perro disfruta de lo lindo de los paseos!» Tanto los Tenwayers como los críticos adoran la suavidad de la conducción de nuestras... 12 de junio de 2024
Inspiration From boy to dad: Why an e-bike is the ultimate gift We recently rode into the first summer month of June, meaning it's almost Father's Day! There are a lot of great gifts out there to show appreciation for our superstar... 12 de junio de 2024
Inspiration World Bicycle Day 2024: The Transformative Impact of Bicycles World Bicycle Day, celebrated annually on the 3rd of June, recognizes the profound impact cycling has on society. The day stands as a celebration of cycling's versatility, sustainability, and accessibility.... 3 de junio de 2024
Inspiration Los secretos detrás de la tecnología extremadamente suave de TENWAYS: El sensor de par de torsión "TENWAYS ofrece una experiencia de pedaleo tan suave y natural que no sería una exageración afirmar que supera con creces al resto de bicicletas eléctricas". Son montones las reseñas de... 3 de junio de 2024
Inspiration Buying an e-bike for commuting: 4 things to think about Buying an electric bike is a new lifestyle investment that costs quite a bit of money upfront, so the decision to buy is understandably a big one. As with any... 22 de mayo de 2024
Inspiration Empower moms with an e-bike this Mother's Day! The month of May is fast approaching, which means that Mother's Day is just around the corner. As it's on the 12th of May this year, now is a great... 9 de mayo de 2024
Inspiration CGO009 vs. the CGO family: What's the difference? We've been working hard to expand our family of e-bikes to meet the needs of different urban riders who want the best sustainable transportation partner for their lifestyle. Most recently,... 1 de mayo de 2024
Inspiration Pedalling towards a more sustainable future this Earth Day Earth Day holds profound significance as a global call to action for sustainable efforts, and environmental awareness. The day honours the achievements of environmental movements and underscores the urgency of... 22 de abril de 2024
Inspiration Ride Safely and Confidently with TENWAYS E-bikes There is a lot of information out there about the amazing superpowers of e-bikes and how to ride them safely. However, we are aware that there are sometimes media reports... 17 de abril de 2024
Inspiration How to make the most of the Easter festivities with an e-bike The Easter holidays are an exciting time of year; the days are getting longer and brighter and the weather more promising, which makes it a great time to hop on... 28 de marzo de 2024
Inspiration Join us in Celebrating the International Day of Forests! We are once again approaching an exciting time of year in the Northern hemisphere, our beautiful nature is beginning to bloom again as we approach the great season of spring!... 21 de marzo de 2024
Inspiration Top-Tier Awards Won by CGO800S At TENWAYS, we design our bikes to meet the needs of as many urban e-bikers as possible, with the best value for money in mind, so they can enjoy smooth,... 13 de marzo de 2024
Inspiration How Has Cycling Empowered Women? As we gear up to celebrate International Women's Day on the 8th of March, it's time to honour and recognise the incredible achievements of women across the globe. This day isn't... 8 de marzo de 2024
Inspiration CGO009: Advanced Technology Meets Everyday Reliability You may have spotted that the latest member of the TENWAYS family has landed – the super-minimalist, chic and tech-enabled CGO009! The whole idea of this stylish e-bike is to... 6 de marzo de 2024
Inspiration A Romantic E-bike Date Guide for Valentine's Day Love is in the air! As Valentine's Day draws closer, perhaps you're looking to plan a unique and memorable date to truly connect with your partner and whisk them off... 12 de febrero de 2024
Inspiration What You Do & Don't Need for Easy, Practical Urban E-biking E-bikes are fun and practical machines that are becoming increasingly popular as a means of transport in cities around the world, helping people to manage their busy urban lifestyles. A... 2 de febrero de 2024
Inspiration Owning vs. Renting an E-Bike: Which Suits You Best? Anyone who regularly travels around urban areas will no doubt be aware that e-bikes are continually growing in popularity. As a fun, quick and easy way to get from A... 25 de enero de 2024
Inspiration Why is it More Important Than Ever to Get an E-Bike in 2024? As we ride fully into 2024, many of us are thinking about how we can kickstart the year with new resolutions to improve our well-being. Taking up a new fitness... 12 de enero de 2024
Inspiration Keep to Your New Year's Resolutions with an E-bike As 2024 arrives and we welcome a fresh new year, many of us are looking to make positive changes to our lives, reflecting on the past year's experiences and where... 3 de enero de 2024
Inspiration Why is an E-bike the Perfect Christmas Gift? Imagine waking up on Christmas morning, filled with the contagious excitement of the season. Joy twinkles in the air, and the spirit of giving warms your heart. You eagerly rush... 22 de diciembre de 2023
Inspiration Un medio de transporte sostenible para el invierno A medida que el invierno va abriéndose camino, se hace más necesario hacer un llamamiento en favor de los desplazamientos sostenibles. Los días fríos pueden ser una tentación irresistible para... 14 de diciembre de 2023
Inspiration Guía para recibir una asistencia tope de gama: el centro de servicio de TENWAYS Al igual que ocurre con cualquier otro vehículo, las e-bikes necesitan mantenimiento y, cuando sucede algún problema, reparaciones oportunas. Antes de comprar tu bici, asegúrate primero de que tienes cerca... 17 de noviembre de 2023
Inspiration ¡Sácales partido al otoño y a tu e-bike! El otoño es la estación favorita de muchas personas. ¿A quién no le gusta disfrutar del bonito color que adquieren los árboles, de los días luminosos y claros y de... 8 de noviembre de 2023
Inspiration Make Black Friday "Green" the TENWAYS Way Black Friday is such an exciting time, it's when the beautiful fall season comes to end, and the countdown to Christmas begins, with many hoping to catch some great Black... 7 de noviembre de 2023
Inspiration Debunking the Myths: Diamond vs. Step-through Frame E-bikes You are no doubt aware that some stereotypes exist about certain styles of bike being "men's" or "women's". Typically, a classic diamond frame with a high-top tube is seen by... 26 de octubre de 2023
Inspiration Guía definitiva sobre las e-bikes con motor de buje y motor de transmisión central A la hora de comprar una e-bike, es inevitable tener que elegir entre un motor de buje y un motor central. Cada tipo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes. Pero... 16 de octubre de 2023
Inspiration Unveiling E-bikes' Fitness Potential Seguro que has oído decir alguna vez que las e-bikes son trampa, ¿a que sí? Este error tan común surge porque hay quien piensa que la e-bike es la versión... 5 de octubre de 2023
Inspiration Seis motivos por los que es buena idea tener una e-bike en otoño Déjanos adivinar: últimamente no paras de oír cosas sobre las e-bikes y estás deseando saber cuáles son sus ventajas. Quizás hayas estado planteándote cambiar tu estilo de vida, pero la... 28 de septiembre de 2023