How to choose the right saddle for maximum riding comfort?

How to choose the right saddle for maximum riding comfort?

If you're an experienced cyclist, you may already know the importance of a comfortable saddle, and what to look for. Sitting comfortably means you can ride for longer periods of time, which is especially important for e-bike riders who tend to spend more time on their bikes! It can be difficult to know exactly what to look for to maximise your comfort, especially as there's no one-size-fits-all answer and is very personal to each rider.


Riding position and style

Your riding position and the style of your saddle will be dependent on the type of bike you have. As the trusted saddle brand for TENWAYS, Selle Royal classifies riding positions into 3 different categories:

  • Athletic: Leaning forward at a 45-degree angle
  • Moderate: A slight lean at a 60-degree angle
  • Relaxed: Sitting in an upright position

Different positions affect the weight distribution across the saddle due to the tilt of your pelvis, different sizes, and flexibility. The type of seating that is optimal for you and your e-bike is highly dependent on your e-bike's purpose, as different saddle styles are designed to optimise the riding experience for a variety of scenarios. Selle Royal designs their e-bike saddles to ensure optimal comfort and manoeuvrability for all e-bikes, whatever the style.


Saddle size

This is one of the biggest factors to consider when choosing a seat; the correct size of this will depend on your anatomy. Choosing the wrong size can lead to discomfort, pain and even long-term injury.

You may already be aware that different saddle sizes depend on the measurements of your sit bones. People with larger sit bones require a larger seat whereas people with smaller sit bones don't need the extra space. Many brands, including Selle Royal, offer saddles in different sizes based on sit bone measurements.

If you're struggling to know what sized seat is best for you, some bike shops offer services to determine the right size for your anatomy. A properly sized saddle ensures correct weight distribution, reducing pressure on sensitive areas and allowing for better blood circulation for longer rides.


Type of cushioning

Thick padding may seem like the obvious choice to prioritise comfort, but there's actually a lot more to consider when choosing the perfect amount of cushioning. Thick padding can compress and deform around your own anatomy, losing its cushioning over time. Equally, too much cushioning can cause discomfort over longer rides as your body sinks into the padding, creating more pressure points; this can result in chafing and numbness.

The cushioning you need comes down to personal preference and may change depending on the types of rides you do. In most cases it is better to have a firmer saddle to support yourself. There are two different types of cushioning: foam and gel. Foam saddles are firmer and often preferred for longer-distance rides as they offer consistent support, whereas gel saddles offer immediate comfort and are great for short to moderate rides. Selle Royal saddles are padded with RoyalGel, which makes them perfect for daily rides including commutes.


Saddle material

Different materials impact both comfort and durability, and will also determine how much flexibility there is in the seat, which is important for allowing proper leg rotation during pedalling. Saddles come in various materials:

  • Synthetic: these are typically lightweight, durable, and water resistant. These are also known for being low maintenance however, these aren't always great for the environment.
  • Leather: known for moulding to the rider's shape over time, which can increase comfort. However, leather requires more upkeep to ensure it remains water resistant.
  • Carbon fibre: These are popular among high-performance riders for their lightweight and stiff structure; however, they can be less comfortable for everyday riders.

Each material offers different pros and cons in terms of comfort, flexibility, and durability, so it’s important to consider what the bulk of your rides will be.


How to improve your comfort during rides

Even with the perfect saddle, you may want to make additional adjustments to enhance your comfort on your e-bike.

  1. Saddle height: Ensure your saddle is at the right height for your leg length. Your knees should be slightly bent when the pedal is at its lowest point. A saddle that's too high or too low can cause unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints.
  2. Position adjustments: You may need to tweak the angle or position of your saddle. Experimenting with small tilts forward or backward can relieve pressure on your lower back and pelvis.
  3. Padded shorts or liners: Wearing cycling-specific shorts with built-in padding can significantly improve your comfort, especially for long-distance rides.
  4. Take breaks: On longer rides, give yourself short breaks to stand up and shift your weight. This helps prevent numbness and pressure build-up in any one area.



Saddle comfort is key to getting the most out of your rides, making them more enjoyable, no matter how long or short. Remember, selecting the perfect saddle is completely personal to you. Choosing the ideal saddle and making the correct adjustments will ensure you'll be cruising in comfort on every ride.

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