Pop-up e-bike fun in the world's cycling capital!

Pop-up e-bike fun in the world's cycling capital!

Amsterdam is a lauded city of culture, where creativity flourishes and, famously, bicycles roam. So where better to have chosen for the TENWAYS month-long pop-up concept shop with its exciting theme, 'Your e-bike is your new car'? Of course, we were never going to launch such an event quietly, so on 5th May we invited a choice selection of folk with artistic flair and sporting prowess to join us, and e-bike enthusiasts, to the launch party at Haarlemmerdijk 94 in the heart of Amsterdam.


The community spirit

Anyone who is familiar with TENWAYS will know about our dedication to engineering excellence and our commitment to ethics; it's a marvelled pairing in a quest for a better, greener future and a solution to city congestion. Our electric bikes are also, crucially, fun to ride! This is just as important to us and is one of the many reasons the TENWAYS community is growing at a healthy pace.



Inspiration for all

Our goal is to show as many people as possible that moving around cities on an e-bike is better than using a car. Healthier, faster, and substantially more sustainable and less polluting! We are here to inspire you and it's fair to say, our Amsterdam pop-up launch party did just that.


Eye-catching art pieces from Amsterdam-based artist Laura Stöckl hung alongside our dynamic electric bike range. Vibrant sets from DJ Ozai and DJ Nevs got everyone moving and drew in the crowds, who were excited to find themselves in the presence of sporting royalty, with TENWAYS brand ambassador, Olympic speed skater Suzanne Schulting, sharing the fun! Also in the mix were members of the growing family of TENWAYS dealers, local media reporters, social media stars and, of course, members of the public keen to explore the many possibilities of e-bikes.


Amsterdam-based catering specialists helped fuel the fun, with delicious food from the Bubble Society and coffee from Wakuli and ROAs keeping visitors refreshed at this unique gathering, which we're sure everyone visiting will remember for some considerable time to come. The atmosphere remained as electric as our e-bikes, as the people of Amsterdam celebrated our innovation and determination to spread the joy of e-biking throughout the day.


What's next?

Our innovative concept store in the heart of Amsterdam has been a month-long success, with a steady stream of visitors taking the TENWAYS model of their choice for a test ride throughout May. As a chance to have fun with our community and partners, the launch party was nothing short of perfection, with so much creativity and talent on show!



We know that not everyone who would like to have been taken part, could be there. Worry not; we plan to host more pop-up shops in the future, so keep in touch with what we're up to on social media, or sign up to our newsletter to make sure you don't miss the next opportunity to party with TENWAYS!

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