Discover the best way to carry things on your e-bike

Discover the best way to carry things on your e-bike

E-bikes are great transportation machines that can help you carry daily essentials as you go from A to B. When commuting, you may need to carry work-related gear (a lock, laptop, power supply, after-work gear, etc.), so it's important to find a solution that's suitable for carrying whatever load you may need. We've put together a guide that compares the major pros and cons of various carrying methods to help you get your gear ready for the road!


How to choose the most appropriate accessory for you

When considering the most appropriate carrying accessory, start by evaluating the key factors for your riding experience: safety, carrying capacity, comfort and convenience, accessibility, durability and affordability.

To choose the accessory that best fits your carrying needs, consider how comfortable it is for your riding style and how accessible your items need to be. Also think about how durable it needs to be (i.e. sturdy enough for bumpy rides, waterproof to protect items) and how much you're willing to spend.

Below, we've listed options that could carry your cargo on a regular basis and that can be mounted on your electric bike for frequent and versatile riding (aside from the backpack).

Whatever cargo partner you choose, for optimum safety always make sure the load is securely attached and evenly distributed to maintain balance and properly handle weight.


Racks and panniers


Capacity and convenience – Cycle-mounted racks provide a stable platform for carrying various types of devices such as baskets, boxes and cases. Panniers cannot be secured without racks; they are often used together for lightweight, protected storage that makes efficient use of the bike's carrying capacity.

Comfort and weight distribution - They work well together to improve the distribution of weight across the bike frame, optimizing handling and stability.


Comfort and durability - If a pannier is too heavily loaded, it can affect the performance of the e-bike, from how the bike handles impacts (e.g. on rougher terrain or tight turns), or interfere with the bike's dynamics.

Installation and security - Some carriers can be more difficult to install and adjust, while some can be easy to remove and pose security issues if your bike is left in public areas.

TENWAYS offers a variety of durable and versatile carriers that are easy to install, and secure waterproof panniers, enabling simpler, stress-free commuting.




Accessibility and convenience - Allows items to be quickly removed or placed in the basket in full view, helping you to easily organize and keep track of items, which is especially convenient for frequent stops or quick errands.


Weight distribution and comfort - Bulky or heavy loads in the basket can affect handling and balance, which can affect steering and overall bike stability.

Security - Items are more exposed to the elements and don't have the same security as closed bags like panniers or backpacks, and can be lost or stolen if the bike tips over.




Portability and convenience - Doesn't require additional equipment to set up and can be carried on and off the bike, making them easy to incorporate into different activities.


Discomfort - Can cause strain on shoulders, back, and neck, especially during long rides and gradually over a long period of time. They may also interfere with airflow to the back, which could increase sweating and discomfort in hot weather.


Milk Crates


Affordability and capacity - They are inexpensive and provide a large, open space for carrying bulky or odd-shaped items.


Style, security and weight distribution - Not as visually appealing as some of the other options. Uneven loading can affect the bike's balance and handling, and its open position can make it vulnerable to bad weather, thieves, loss and damage.




Capacity - They typically offer a large amount of storage space, great for transporting large, heavy or live loads such as pets, groceries, or small children.

Weight distribution - The weight of the load is distributed behind the bike, minimizing stress on the bike frame and improving stability and handling.


Maneuverability - Due to their large size, they can be more difficult to maneuver in certain scenarios, such as heavy traffic or tight spaces.

Affordability - They can be expensive, especially when compared to other bike carrying solutions such as panniers or racks.


Handlebar bags


Accessibility and convenience - Located at the front of the bike, they make items easier to reach.

Versatility - They often include different compartments that are useful for carrying items of different sizes, from small tools to larger gear.


Comfort and safety - When heavily loaded, they can interfere with bike handling, which can affect steering precision and balance. If large or poorly positioned, they can also interfere with bike performance by blocking brake levers, gear shifters, or lights.


Frame bags


Convenience and safety - They fit compactly within the frame of an e-bike, allowing space to be used effectively and items to be carried without significantly affecting balance or handling.

Accessibility - Frame bags provide easy access to gear while riding, useful for quickly grabbing things without dismounting, such as maps or snacks.


Strong>Capacity - Their size is limited by the bike's frame, reducing the amount they can carry compared to larger carriers like panniers or baskets.

Compatibility - They may not fit all frames, especially those that are smaller or have more unconventional designs, and may interfere with other frame-mounted accessories such as water bottle mounts.



We hope this guide has helped you evaluate the best carrier for your commuting needs; each has a variety of pros and cons that could be crucial in helping you decide the best fit for your lifestyle. Whichever option you choose, make sure it will not compromise your safety and will be useful for regular, long-term use, whatever your commuting needs may be.

If you have any questions about our accessories and e-bike carrying compatibility, feel free to ask our team or other Tenwayers for their recommendations in our Facebook group.

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